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Browsing Trabajos publicados en revistas arbitradas by Title

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  • Benavides, Fernando G.; Amable, Marcelo Jorge; Cornelio, Cecilia; Vives, Alejandra; Milián, Lino Carmenate; Barraza, Douglas; Bernal, Dinora; Silva-Peñaherrera, Michael; Delclos, Jordi (Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho - FUNDACENTRO, 2021)
    Introdução: o teletrabalho no domicílio, uma das medidas adotadas para controlar a pandemia de COVID-19 e, ao mesmo tempo, manter o emprego, tem aumentado em vários países. Objetivo: refletir sobre o significado, a magnitude ...
  • Olmos Alvarez, Ana Lucía; Irrazabal, María Gabriela (Revista Argentina de Medicina, 2021-09)
    In this article we will work with articulation processes between health and beliefs based on two actors in the health field: patients and professionals. From the first we will address what we call positive articulations ...
  • García, Renato Andrés; Rosato, Vilma Gabriela (Taylor & Francis, 2018-01)
    Xanthoparmelia farinosa is a foliose lichen widely distributed in South America, growing not only on rocks but also on man-made structures. This species has abundant soralia, but it is unknown how development occurs from ...
  • Ramos, Lia Soledad; Lozano, Federico; Muzon, Javier (Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, 2016-08)
    The increase of human population, especially in urban areas, correlates with analarming destruction of green spaces. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms bywhich urbanization processes affect biodiversity is crucial in ...
  • Muzon, Javier; Von Ellenrieder, Natalia; Pessacq, Pablo; Lozano, Federico; Garré, Analía; Lambruschini, Juliana; Ramos, Lia Soledad; Weigel Muñoz, Marian (Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 2008-06)
    A preliminary inventory of the Odonata from Iberá Wetlands and their area of influence (Corrientes, Argentina) is presented. Different kinds of environments were surveyed in seven localities. Seventy five species grouped ...
  • del Palacio, Alejandro; Diez, Fernando; Latini, Cinthia Yanela (Societas Internationalis Odonatologica, 2017-06)
    In Argentina approximately 280 odonate species have been recorded, which are chiefly found in the north-eastern and north-western regions. With only three previously recorded species, La Pampa province is one of most ...
  • Muzon, Javier; Lozano, Federico; del Palacio, Alejandro; Ramos, Lia Soledad; Lutz, María Ayelen (Worldwide Dragonfly Association, 2015-07)
    The first Argentine area surveyed from an odonatological point was Delta del Paraná (DP), a large wetland area of 14,000 km2 between Buenos Aires and Entre Ríos provinces, close to Buenos Aires city. This area has a typical ...
  • Muzon, Javier; Pessacq, Pablo; Ramos, Lia Soledad (Soc Int Odonatologica, 2007-09)
    Type collection preserved at Museo de La Plata includes 105 specimens of Odonata (6 holotypes, 1 neotype, 6 allotypes and 96 paratypes), representing 13 names belonging to Coenagrionidae (5), Lestidae (1), Megapodagrionidae ...
  • Sarzetti, Laura Cristina; Labandeira, Conrad C; Muzon, Javier; Wilf, Peter; Cúneo, Néstor Rubén; Johnson, Kirk; Genise, Jorge Fernando (Paleontological Society, 2009-05)
    We document evidence of endophytic oviposition on fossil compression/impression leaves from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco and middle Eocene Río Pichileufú floras of Patagonia, Argentina. Based on distinctive morphologies ...
  • Pessacq, Pablo; Muzon, Javier; Neiss, Ulisses Gaspar; Hamada, Neusa; Thorp, James; Rogers, Christopher (Elsevier Academic Press Inc, 2018)
    Odonata is a cosmopolitan and ubiquitous order of insects, represented in most aquatic environments by approximately 6,000 species, of which more than 1,700 occur in the Neotropical region. It is considered a monophyletic ...
  • Avenburg, Karen; Talellis, Verónica; Cibea, Alina (2017-03)
    Over the last decades, several initiatives aiming to achieve social inclusion, integration or transformation through artistic practices have emerged in Argentina, as well as in the rest of the world. The projects for ...
  • Goldwaser Yankelevich, Nathalie (Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2016-06)
    El presente artículo pretende resaltar y problematizar un concepto mencionado en algunos estudios sobre la independencia en el Río de la Plata y que tuvo y tiene su importancia tanto en autores propios de la filosofía ...
  • Pazos, Fernando (Sociedad Argentina de Informática, 2023)
    Communication between devices on a network requires the use of protocols. On internet there are well known protocols that can be used both in the architecture of a server with multiple clients as well as in a machine to ...
  • García, Renato Andrés; del Palacio, Alejandro (Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, 2021-08)
    The Peripampasic Arc is a set of low mountains / hills that connects the Andes, as it scatters to the East forming mountainous areas of lower heights in north-eastern Argentina, with the Atlantic coastal range of the Serra ...
  • Vio, Marcela Laura; Cabrera, Maria Claudia (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, 2013/10/01)
    En esta ponencia se presentan resultados de un trabajo de campo cuanti/cualitativo que se propone analizar las condiciones de vida de los habitantes de barrios populares del Conurbano. Para ello se indagó en 4 ejes: hábitat, ...
  • Longoni, Lucas; Labra, Claudio; Gregoric, Alejandro; Rodríguez Martin, Isabel; Blas, Sergio Martín (Centro de Investigaciones de Historia de la Vivienda en América Latina. Instituto de la Espacialidad Humana. Ciudad Universitaria. FADU - UBA, 2019-08)
    Organizada por el grupo de investigación NuTAC (Nuevas Técnicas Arquitectura y Ciudad, ETSAM, UPM) y el PROPAE (Programa Políticas y Arquitecturas de Estado, del Instituto de Arte Americano e Investigaciones Estéticas ...
  • Rama, Cristian Nahuel (Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados, 2018)
    Luego de salir con vida de los centros clandestinos de detención (CCD) que dispusola última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983), algunos de los sobrevivientes continuaron siendo objeto de prácticas de vigilancia y ...
  • Benach, Joan; Vives Vergara, Alejandra; Amable, Marcelo Jorge; Vanroelen, ‪Christophe; Tarafa, Gemma; Muntaner, Carles (Annual Reviews, 2014)
    Employment precariousness is a social determinant that affects the health of workers, families, and communities. Its recent popularity has been spearheaded by three main developments: the surge in “flexible employment�? ...
  • Rama, Cristian Nahuel (Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2020)
    El presente artículo, a partir del análisis del caso de Facundo Castro Astudillo, aborda las recurrencias y las singularidades en la relación entre los aparatos represivos y el poder judicial en Bahía Blanca . En este ...
  • Vio, Marcela; Calello, Tomás; Fritzsche, Federico; Quintar, Aída (El Colegio Mexiquense, A.C. México, 2004)
    We amalsse lSe approprsalsom of mew smforwalsom amd cowwmmscalsom lecSmologses (YIC) –lSe smlermel wasmly– by sowe receml socsal wovewemls lo creale commlercmllmral spaces. We smveslsgale lSe allermalsve arramge- weml of ...

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